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Plataformas de pedras naturais

  The architectural project is the way to plan a building that does not yet exist or a way to describe an existing building.

When we do the architectural project of a new building, all the drawings and information correspond to the planning of the works and materials to be used in order to reach the intended final result.

Before the start of any work, the project is analyzed and approved for having met the various foreseen requirements: aesthetics, functionality, cost, urbanity, etc.

Everything that is idealized by the architect will be different from everything that has been created before. Otherwise, it would be a copy, it would not be architecture.

Therefore, the execution depends entirely on a well-defined and detailed project.

Beyond Houses
Exhibitions and Media

Rua Oliveira Lopes,  76 room 02

Porto Alegre  -  RS

+55 51 998,169,174


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The images published here, projects and brand are property of the site

Its reproduction, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the express authorization of the architect Graziela Alessio de Mello, CPF:930,412,330-53.

The projects are delivered by email, within 3 working days, there is no extra cost. The delivery of the work(s) of art is made by mail, the object is posted within 3 working days. The cost of delivery is R$ 20.00 for all of Brazil. 

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